Capital adventures

By marchmont

Team Photo

Bit of a red letter day as I managed to get hold of #1 son and #1 daughter-in-law this morning. They were in a car so a bit difficult to hear, but all seems well. No news about G's impending deployment. I hope he comes to stay when he's back in the UK.

The team (minus the East Ren 2) had breakfast at the Brooklyn Cafe. Again it was the male/female split. After another fry up (just as well we only do this once a year) the Inverurie contingent set off north and the rest of us walked back by bijou shops. E came round with issy and then it was time for me to go - back East on yet another couple of trains.

I know I really shouldn't be eating, or drinking, after all I've consumed this week-end but the red is open, the pizza in the oven and Molly is showing how much she missed me.

We missed our absent friends this week-end - N and A because of N's chemo and M and B, who don't normally come but we were glad to hear M is phasing back into work from tomorrow.

From the left - Viv, Les, Carol, Kit, Doug, Yvonne, Gordon, Charlie (there are 3 sisters and 3 brothers in law here. Can you guess who?)

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