Daily Wild

By emyjane

Big Garden Bird Watch

Best viewed Big Garden Bird Watch large

Or *go large*

Well, this must be a first for me, a photograph of a list. It was the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend, count the birds species & the number which come to your garden in an hour. This wasn't the final tally. The weather was so grim today (snowing now) that I didn't have a chance to get out & take any shots. I stood at my usual vantage point (the spare bedroom window) & counted. Doodle of the bird top right hand corner was done without even looking at the paper... I quite like it. Same with the cat, although I can't include the cat! Not much diversity today of species, needs to be a lot colder, tomorrow would be perfect if the snow indeed stays till then.

It could have been...

Please look at the camera!!! - feeding frenzy through the window. But like I said, grim.

Although I always make sure I take some proper photographs of the one & only Larry:

What's on the menu?

Another reason for poor blip today, another visit to Exeter hospital for my mum, yet another MRI scan, as she's still in terrible pain. It's been going on far too long now. Her operation was of course a success, but the nerves in her arms & neck are I think regenerating, so it's giving her agony, but we want to make sure it is that & not something else :( So long way there, long time to wait & a long way back, by the time h0me, it's dark & sleeting, no chance for any photographs! xxx

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