Learning day by day

By EmmaF


A better Thursday than last week but I do have a tired boy. He is sleeping reasonably well, for him, but this morning looked really shattered. Still he managed his bike to school, but fell off on the way home in great style, catching his chin on the handle bar and biting his tongue hard enough for blood to come from both the top and the bottom. It was his first real fall, but once he had stopped crying he insisted on getting back on and going home on it.

Music Train was better than last week although he insisted on sitting on my knee which is unlike him. Swimming was really good, he was on the woggle a lot of the lesson. However after half term it will turninto a proper class (at the moment it is 1-2-1 as no one else has registered for it. We will see what that means, certainly there will be more structure to the class which he may not appreciate to start with but hopefully with some other children of his own age he might decided jumping in and getting his head wet isn't all that bad and then again... I can't complain though, we have had 1-2-1 for two and a half terms at group prices and he has definately improved.

He fell asleep on the way home and really didn't want to wake up. Thankfully the Sainsbury's delivery arrived and he was more than happy to wake up and help me unpack.

Another big spill off the bike on the way home from school, but no tears this time. I am hoping it is just tiredness and not a bug brewing...

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