Jasper Johns It's Not

It's been ages since I've posted a real shadow blip, so here's this. It's a small shadow (ca. 20 cm across) cast on a wall by late afternoon sunlight reflected by a tall building a bit this side of Chinatown through a grid high in our kitchen that provides ventilation (and makes for chilly breakfasts these days). (Edit:I've just learned that such openings are required in French kitchens--presumably to reduce the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.)
The building reflecting the sunlight is probably the widest one in the center of this view from our apartment.

For me the image evokes Jasper Johns' flag paintings, which I would say represent a variety of Pop Art. Hence my very brash title.

I'm adding this to my shadows series, which until now has included only blips close to home in Massachusetts (but I'll probably add a few others shortly).

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