Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... Does my nose look big?

I thought it would good to mix things up a bit and try blipping a bird that is truly ... well, homely is the kindest adjective I can think of. Yes, the turkey vulture. I was driving along a park service road, on my way to take a walk and this big guy was just hanging out at the edge of the road, not a single dead creature in sight. I think he may just have been having a stroll. Maybe. Later, I saw one of his brethren soaring overhead, looking quite majestic in his way. We also have the slightly smaller and less homely black vultures here.

The highlight of my walk today was coming across a small flock of about 20 cedar waxwings busily devouring some berries alongside the field I was walking in. They make the faintest whispering call, so small that you can barely hear it. They were flitting around in fairly heavy brush and I wasn't really able to get any good pictures, although this will give you an idea as to what they look like. Beautiful birds and not seed eaters so not a bird I ever see at our feeders. I hung out for a half hour or so and watched them feed before continuing on my otherwise uneventful walk.

The baker's dozen of wild turkeys stopped by to see what I'd left at the edge of the woods (usually a bit of dried corn and leftover sunflower seeds). I was on a phone call when I looked out and saw them, no opportunity for photos. Then, a short while later, I looked out and spotted a white tailed deer busily eating corn and sunflower seeds! She had a friend with her, but they were very spooky and took off the minute I poked my camera through the door.

And, no day would be complete without the irrepressible peanut-loving blue jays, put on earth to make us all laugh!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the hearts, stars and wonderful comments on my 200th blip yesterday.

And ... It's the weekend!!!!!!

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