Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...200 beats per minute!

Today is my 200th consecutive blip - wow. I certainly never planned on this when Lorenzo first talked me into posting a photo on this crazy website called blipfoto. I honestly thought that I'd post an interesting (hopefully) photo from time to time. Good grief - what happened? I am now blip-obsessed. And, man-oh-man, have I ever had fun! I've met some great people along the way, developed an obsession for photographing bugs and birds, and even learned how to use all those cool manual settings on my camera.

So, as I approached the 200 milestone, I was worried about what I'd blip that would be special, different, noteworthy? I toyed with the idea of putting 200 peanuts in a bowl - after all, peanuts feature big in my photos sometimes. But that seemed...well, boring. Cat blip? No, has to be something different. Seymour? Nope, the furry little reprobate just had his time on the Spotlight page yesterday. What to do. Finch? Chickadee? Bleak grey landscape? (Because it is a bleak, grey day.) Crap!! I was totally flummoxed. And, by the way, I've been dying to use that word ... flummoxed. Isn't that a great word?

So, I put some peanuts on the deck feeders and sat inside to see what would happen. Naturally, a titmouse zoomed right up, grabbed a peanut twice its own size and took off before I could even focus the camera. Ditto several blue jays ... and then, finally, I managed to catch one in flight, in the corner of my frame. Had to crop it. It's a bit blurry and lots of noise because I had to shoot at 1600 ISO to get the shutter speed. But, darn it, I like it! He's got his peanut and his heartbeat is about 200 bpm! Get it? TWO HUNDRED beats per minute...

Okay, that's all I've got for today. Thank you for your comments, your advice, your support, and your friendship during the last 200 days. Let's rock another 200, shall we???

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