Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Friendly Robin

This little Eastern Yellow Robin was flitting about in the garden this afternoon, devouring a worm at one point, and completely unconcerned by me. After standing and watching for a bit, I went inside to get my camera. It was still around, and I managed to get a heap of photos - the first bunch too dark, as I was in such a hurry I didn't check the settings. Hmmph. I was very happy with this shot though.

Click to emcutenate.

I sharpened it, and added an overlay layer with very low opacity. Click to unprocess.

While watching the robin, I noticed a pittosporum that some months ago, had obviously escaped my sight, and consequent cleansing fury. ;-) So I rekindled said cleansing fury and ripped it out (it was crowding the weeping cherry).

However, at some point in the melee, another denizen of the garden decided it was a bit peckish: when I came in and popped in the shower, Mrs tsuken pointed out a leech on my ankle. Now, the best method for removing a leech is apparently to leave it be while it finishes its vampiric meal. Once it's sated, it will fall off.

Fuck. That.


Of course, all my grabbing and whacking and pulling might well have led to it vomiting its gut-full of bacteria into my bloodstream. Thanks awfully, fracking disgusting gross creature. xP So it is best to leave it to drop off itself, but there's something about having a slimy creepy-crawly attached to you and sucking your blood that seems to demand a violent response. :-p

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