Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

OOOOh don't you dare!!

What an interesting time we had, snow came and caused difficulties.

Late last night my lovely wife phoned to say she was on the train coming back home, with several centimetres of fresh snow on the ground I loaded the car with the snow shovel and set off for the rail station.
As usual, people in this part of the country do not know how to drive in the snow and I came across petrified folks doing 10mph on major roads. Although you don't want to be going mad, keeping your distance and going fast enough to push the snow under the tyres is the way to go.

Once at the station I parked up and cleared the snow from the back end of the car ready for when I needed to get out. Unfortunately, health and safety Britain was in full effect and as a train could not get to Norwich because of frozen points beyond Ely, it sat in the station. It had been there for over an hour when I got there! My poor wife sat 100ft outside Ely station for an hour! I calmly pointed out to the chaps working on the station that this was ridiculous, after much tearing down of their stupid h/s policy they relented and allowed BOTH trains to be at the SAME platform.

Once in the car it was then off home...IF we could get past the Police cordon to get up the hill, which is the shallowest and smoothest incline up into Ely. Alas we had to take an alternate route, steeper and on a bend! Anyway, past driving skills in these kind of conditions learnt in much more mountains areas of the world meant we got passed all the other stuck and abandoned cars/people and made it home, nearly 2hrs after leaving the house!

Today has been wonderful, snow as deep as I have ever seen here meant we have been playing all day. Beautiful scenery and a pub lunch, kids snowballing, snowmen covering the Green, great Photo moments and BIG smiles from all we met!!

Now home and we are snuggling down for a nice winters afternoon. Wonderful!!

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