Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... Touchdown!!!

It is Super Bowl Sunday here in the US and if you are anywhere near the NYC area, it is hard not to get at least a little caught up in NY Giants-Fever. Now, if you're not a follower of US football, the Giants' team color is blue ... so it is really not all that big a stretch to say that my backyard blue jays are Giants fans! Look, this one is even doing his version of a touchdown! The other birds got in on the action, too...

Ready for action, ball in beak!

NY Giants Jay

American Robin having a pre-game beer

Tufted titmouse waiting for the game to start

And Extreme Seymour in the bleachers

I've made a crock pot of chili, and have a nice bottle of Rioja ready to pour. Let the game begin! And, if you are a New England Pats fan ... gee, I'm so sorry.

Go Giants!!!

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