Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In silence, I sit..

Darkness, bitter with jealousy the night time cold retreats as the day dawns. Slowly the shadows form and stretch, reaching for me, I sit. I sit in silence. Birds soothed by my stillness come closer, sing brighter, cock their heads and wonder at me.

The sun touches my face, no warmth from her today. The inky water shrugs off the light as if the very depths of the river, frozen and cold, can defeat the mighty sun. I sit. I sit in peace, exquisite stillness, my heart at home in this magical place.

Cold hands and a warm heart. Maybe Winter does not do this to most people, but the quiet and frozen air thrills me. A moment of contemplation .....before the normal day intrudes.

The world around me is not silent, birds sing, snow crunches, ice creaks, unseen things scurry and ruffle....

I.........sit in silence.

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