
By Hayls

A mackerel sky?

I thought it looked a bit like one. In fact the sky was beautifully clear this morning and the black blurs are the impression the trees left on my lens as I photographed them while whizzing past in the car. I hasten to add that hubby was driving, not me.

Sat staring at trees later on in the day as I tried to recreate their beauty in oil pastels. Completely failed. Not even close. I had to force myself not to rip the page out of the sketch book and bin it.

I'm also having to force myself not to pop to the shops and get a mid-week treat of a bottle of red to share with hubby. The main thing holding me back is knowing I need to pick my boy up from Cubs later and I fear that the tell-tale red wine moustache might give me away and earn me the disapproval of the other mums and dads. Could always buy a bottle of white I suppose. Now there's a thought....

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