Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish

You have a day to yourself to use doing useful things and then something comes along to blow your plans out of the water. Today that happened.

I got back from playing games with the Reception Class at William Ransom (the shot is the school across their playing field, which still had fairly pristine snow), to receive a phonecall from our local travel agent. Our family holiday booked in September 2011 for August 2012 was being cancelled as the hotel was changing hands andThomson were cancelling their contract with the hotel as they couldn't guarantee it use in the future. ARGH!!!! No free child places left anywhere. The only accomodation that matched (ie. has two bedrooms) is now £1500 more than the price we originally payed. Needless to say I spent the vast majority of the rest of the day and evening on the internet looking at our options. Hence this is a backblip.

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