Nouveaux Boules

Fred, one of the members of my pétanque-playing group, announced a couple of days ago that he'd bought a new set of boules for us, and asked if we'd agree to try them today. There were three silver pairs and two gold, all shiny and unmarked. It seemed a shame to use them on the park roads where they'll get scratched and pitted -- just like the old ones -- but we did. I didn't notice any improvement in my playing.

One of Cynthia's college friends, who is a professional photographer, visited us today, and brought one of his Olympus cameras and favorite lenses for us to try. The lenses are interchangeable with our Panasonic cameras (the Micro Four Thirds or M43 system). C was very enamored of one of the lenses -- it's particularly well suited for portraits and low light. She used the lens for her blip today. I wouldn't mind having that lens myself.

I'm still trying to figure out why Fred bought the new boules.

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