11/29 Celebrate

It's hard work celebrating when you've had a trying day. Steve is to go to the pub to watch England play rugby next time. I've deleted the rant I wrote earlier...

I'm still poorly. Ben was sick this morning, which meant missing swimming - again. Charley did the biggest poo in the world while he was in his bouncy chair which necessitated a bath. But that was ok, he decided he liked it a lot, and I got a bath too! Result :) Then the rugby happened and I got grumpy about it. But I did manage to escape: I dumped a happy Charley on Steve and went out on a chocolate hunt :)

So "celebrate" has been difficult. I wanted to get some pictures that celebrated my family. Being grumpy, it has been hard work. I have got a few though. I should've remembered the chocolate button bribery with Ben though. D'oh.

Never work with animals.... or children
(Or, should've remembered the chocolate buttons.)

(Point, focus somewhere random thanks to feeding a baby at the time, click, hope)

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