jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Painting again today. Had some fun with it though! These are all colours that are or will be used in Ben's room. (i.e. the orange, which on here is my finishing touch, doesn't feature in there at the moment, but it will do at some point!) The cars and tractors are salt dough pieces that I made a few weeks ago, intending to paint them at some point. I have to say I didn't have this in mind at the time though. Currently they're sort of stuck to the paper with little sticky foam blobs, although once everything's dried I will re-stick them with some proper glue so they don't fall off once it's up on the wall.

It's been a mixture of a day here in the jumpingbean house. I am functioning with the aid of paracetamol and sudafed, and am pretty tired. I am finding that the tireder I get, the more I become that which I just don't like - a shouty mummy :( Poor Ben. I have so little patience when I am this tired. And he wants to "help" with everything. He wants to see. To touch. To fiddle. And it invariably ends up broken in some way. And I end up shouting.

To contrast that, we've had a really lovely time painting. But he doesn't want to spend all day painting, and to be honest it's exhausting supervising him, as lovely as it is to be creative together.

We're off swimming in half an hour. And he's only finally gone and fallen asleep! In all honesty I am grateful for the brief respite. I don't know what he's going to be like at swimming as a result of a short late nap. I was half expecting him to do the same as last week, and not have a nap at all before swimming, but he just couldn't make it through today it seems. He's snoring very loudly on the sofa now.

I feel like everything is trying to get in the way of my Dream now. No time. Poorly. Everyday life clamouring for attention. I suppose I will just have to be patient, and when opportunities come along for me to get things done, to push while I have the chance.

Thankyou for all the encouragments! And yes there is a limit to my talents - and that is why I'm particularly grateful to That Man Of Mine who can do small little things like plastering and wiring and tiling and digging out splinters and plugging in bass guitars so that sound comes out of the big speaker things. Hehe. At church I have my very own D.I. box. Well I share it with all the bass players, but specially for me they stuck a big white label on it with words saying very simply what connects to what! I wouldn't have a clue otherwise ;)

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