
By strawhouse

The Artist at Work

Miss E loves doing "craft things" (as she calls it) She also loves dressing up so this picture captures two of her favourite things! She is doing splatter paintings here and, as usual, is giving it her total concentration.
After a lovely start with Miss E this morning the day went a bit downhill. The girls were in squabbly mood - thinking that sharing means taking whatever the other one's playing with and being generally whiny and annoying!!
I didn't cover myself with parenting glory when I shouted in Miss E's face at a play centre this afternoon. I never tell her to shut up and I try not to shout at her. Today I did both. With an audience.
Oh dear.

If you're interested here is a link to Miss L's card on CBeebies the other day. Hers is shown at 10 minutes 50secs and , though I say so myself, it looks pretty good!!!

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