
2years 114days

Katie has been sleeping in my bed the last two nights as her bedroom hadnt been built so had been full of boxes. But we had some friends come yesterday to help build the new furniture, so I'd been able to fill it all yesterday evening. This morning, Katie said to me "Where's Katie's bed?". I asked her if she wanted to see her new bedroom, and showed it to her for the first time. It was a very special moment! She was so excited. "MY FRIEND'S ARE HERE!!" she shrieked. She has a new bed, and pulled most of her friends on to it, to play happily for quite a long time. She read to them, sang with them.

She played at home with Sarah for the morning as I had a couple of jobs to do, things to get for the house, then we all had a quick picnic lunch. She then went to play at the Cousins' house for the afternoon. She was fast asleep when I dropped her off. Apparently when she woke up, she saw them and the first thing she said was "my cup has a teddy on it" - which is true, the cup she uses there has a teddy. When I arrived for her, they were all dancing very excitedly to Cbeebies.

To finish off her exciting day, Granny and Grandad had come for tea at the new house. She was so thrilled to show them her new home. It was a little later than normal that she went to bed, but she lay down in her new bed for the first time and slept through til morning.

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