Capital adventures

By marchmont

Boring blip

Sorry this is the best I could do.

Woke up at 5 - again and looked at washing machines on-line. Think I might buy a new one, a more eco friendly and quieter one. No decisions though.

Then it was making arrangements for parcels to be delivered while I was out. I hate this. Why is it that they can't give you a time or at least phone in advance, like they do in France. Much easier all round.

The parcels arrived ok, well wrapped up so no broken shelf this time. A large tear drop mirror and a glass shelf, seen here.

I didn't get half done what I wanted to do today but I did buy daffs - no cards, no roses, no hearts for me - never again.

But the day ended well. #2 son came round to collect his washing, pick up his mail and tell me about his yoga class. He wasn't here long but it was good to see him and I got a hug. Hugs are good. He has a full beard again and looks so like his dad.

M sounded a bit better tonight and was much more civil. Small footsteps of progress and the Sky sub can be cancelled, at last.

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