Capital adventures

By marchmont

6? Nations

So what happened to Italy, a flagpole short of a rugby tournament.

The first hymn Karen, unwittingly, chose for yesterday's service was Cwm Rhondda - I love it, a real good sing, but it did turn out to be a portent. We had two more of my favourites - John bell 'touching place' (although I not sure it went down well with the stalwarts of MStG but the words mean so much) and Wesley's 'Love Divine, All Loves Excelling'.

The bar here is on the ground floor of what was the Oddfellows Hall. Every time I pass it I think of these odd tasting sweets.

On the face of it it's a lovely day today - 10 deg, some blue skies, the feeling of spring in the air and talk of gardening and seed planting. Somehow my mood can't rise to the occasion. Being awake from 4 didn't help either.

Still I have tonight's jaunt to the Filmhouse with just Allan to look forward to. But is 'Carnage' the right kind of film for someone down in the dumps?

I'll let you know.

Edit: Carnage was good - very funny, people laughing out loud.

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