The Creel Thing

Dunbar Harbour - quick post to fit in before midnight! I'll do my diary after I publish....

... and so here I am diarising. Diary-ing? Journalling? Yes, that seems best. Here I am journalling.

Big Thing.

This morning the children were in great form and we managed to get out in time for the little ones to take their scooters - which takes longer than walking. So, the day started well.

Then off to Edinburgh for work and avoided a meeting first thing, which let me get into some stuff I'm more interested in. I'm lucky just now to be able to choose my own priorities and that worked out well, although it did mean a 12 hour working day because I was determined to sort out a few problems with a web site that's not performing well. I seem to have fixed it, we'll see how it is tomorrow...

Then home feeling like not bothering with Blip and taking some half-hearted photos at the station. But the short train journey perked me up and I thought I'd have a look down the harbour on the way home.... Which resulted in a decent long-exposure :)

Goodnight! (Probably Good Morning for most of you :)

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