Good Reading...

Seeing as Bethany and Ewan were the only persons in the household that did anything of any substance today with school and nursery, it seemed only fitting that one of them represent the days events.

Bethany is on her first day back at school after her sickness and starting to eat again. It can be very hard to know what is wrong with kids as they can't describe symptoms the same way adults can.

That didn't matter, she kindly gave us all first hand experience. Both MrsTFP and I got afflicted at the same time and spent most of last night pottering between the bathroom and bedroom. I often wondered what might happen if both adults were sick at the same time but today was our first field test. I basically stayed in bed all day only rising to deliver or retrieve the kids from school.

Ewan, has survived unscathed as yet. Constitution of an ox. Hats off to him, he was very patient with me as I directed play from my bed.

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