Moonlight on the Water

And the moonlight on the river
Shows me where I've been

(Runrig "Going Home")

We got a phone call at 10.30 last night from a neighbour, telling us that we should be outside enjoying the eclipse. We had completely forgotten about it; the cloudless sky gave us a perfect view. None of the pictures were much use, though, esepcially when you compare them with the likes of Suzanne's.

I woke at 5a.m. and saw that the moon was shining on the water in front of the house.

Nothing would do but I had to get the camera and get out there.

Pyjamas in the passing place. It was only the sheep I frightened, though.

No tourists were harmed in the making of this blip.

By the way, check out this amazing shot. Another Moonlighter!

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