
By strawhouse

Pins, pins and more pins!

Apologies in advance for more wedding rambles! We're getting married 7 weeks today so it won't go on for much longer....
I had my hair trial this morning and I loved the final result. I went for the pinned up curly do and it looked fab though I say so myself! Although it's just taken me and Mr K about ten minutes to get all the pins out. Blimey!!!
It was quite painful taking out all the pins. But not as painful as having my eyebrows shaped this morning - it's hard work all this grooming!!
After my beautification at Saks we went to the jewellers who made my engagement ring to sort out our wedding rings. Ha, nothing like cutting it fine! They're making me a wedding ring to match my engagement ring and I had to leave it with them. My hand now feels very bare!
When I first wore it it felt odd and I couldn't imagine that it would ever feel normal. Now I'm feeling odd without it. I'm looking forward to getting it back and seeing our lovely wedding rings.

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