Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic


Gorgeous day today - though as I was so tired after my busy couple of days at the NEC I've wasted most of it lazing around ;o)

It has been a beautiful Spring like day, sunshine, lots of birds singing away in the garden and all of a sudden the bulbs I planted hopefully last winter are coming up. I took a couple of close up photos of the purple crocus flower but it is such a bright fluorescent colour it looked blurry. So I've gone for this photo showing the purple one alongside all the bright yellow ones in a little flower bed in our front garden.

I love crocuses (croci?!) they are such lovely delicate little flowers in beautiful colours and the fact that they don't last that long makes them even more special. Really looking forward to making the garden look bright and colourful this summer - it's all by guesswork as I don't know what I'm doing so if something grows and flowers I'm ecstatic :o)

Now need to start planning my veg patch at the bottom of the garden...

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