Life on the sofa - asleep

Well, my official "challenge" shot is this one, it's made from the props from trying to have a go at davince's colourful shot from a couple days ago. I don't think I did too badly to be honest!

But this evening evidently Ben was worn out having run his daddy ragged since he got in from work. If you rate how much Ben loves you by how loud and bonkers he gets around you - going from completely deliberately ignoring you, to whispering, to talking, to going mental - I think Steve tops the list :D I should have maybe paid more attention to his cries for cuddles, rather than putting a load of washing on because this is what I came back to.... ah well. I'll leave him there until he wakes up and deal with things then! Having seen davince's shot for today it's quite tempting to do a teeny bit of editing ;-)

Been a nice easy day today. Health visitor came round middayish to see Charley for his 3 month check, she was pleased with him, he's dropped to the 9th centile for weight now but you'd not worry at all to look at him. He holds himself sitting so well, his head control is amazing, he wants to stand up and will grin at everything from his standing position. Funny to think that we think he's bigger than Ben was at this age but he's not, Ben was around 9th centile as well. Ben collared the trainee paediatric nurse that had come with her and had her under his spell, he even got her playing on the Wii!! What a laugh. Actually thoroughly enjoyed the HV's visit :)

Popped out for yet more eggs so we could make yet more nutella mug cakes but Charley was yelling in the wrap having just woken up and wanted milk when I tried to take a picture so apologies for the camera shake!! Gave away some Herman friendship cake batter, had cake for tea again, and Ben fell asleep. Steve's out for a meeting at the pub and I think getting ready for bed ready for when Ben wakes up might not be a bad idea.

Not been too bad a day, really :)

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