Mrs E saves the day

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Not my best photo. Lots of factors against me today. Rain, bad light & I'm full of cold, in fact, the whole household is now sick with the cough, the sneezing, the shivers, the cotton wool brain. My blips for the next week are going to be horrendous & I mean that with a capital H. Could you now all permit me to blip the worst photos possible coming from me, out of focus, no focus, no creativity, just total & utter rubbish. And rubbish write ups too. How I'm going to take Little Larry's photos as well, I simply do not know *sighs*

Larry says hello

And I've got the dentist tomorrow, when I'd rather stay in bed in the warm. But good to get this cold over with, as it's *meant* to be a nice warmish March... I'll believe it when I see it! xxx

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