Off Centre

By RachelCarter

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This will be the least interesting photo you have seen all day. All week, perhaps, maybe even all year...
I had a desk-bound, thinking, researching, tiring day, followed by the thrilling reward of online grocery shopping this evening.

I now have backache, brainache, wordache, laptopache

Day started badly with explosive, double-ended dog ablutions but then improved considerably.
I got a good number of people to agree to be part of a reading team for a West Country flash fiction collection (for National Flash Fiction Day 2012 in May) and promises of submissions from a few others. I'm so pleased it all came together in only 1 day.

Everyone did what they were supposed to do today with the extra fun and games of a trip to watch some sheep lambing for Tess. The school letter reminded parents and children not to forget a carrier bag to put their "dirty willies" in afterwards... (!)

Ouch. Must go and straighten my back

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