
By schlimm

Ocean Terminal - Kystvakt

Norwegian Coastguard ship at the Ocean Terminal.

Busy, busy day today. L had L over for a sleepover, she came with us to swimming early in the morning (not for too long now, soon all the kids will be starting at 8.30!) and kept herself occupied whilst the other three were swimming. Then normal Saturday cleaning duties (forgot half of what I'm meant to do but never mind) and then early lunch because in the afternoon L had to go to A for I's party and I had to take S to a Softplay in the Ocean Terminal. L and A tagged along and we were going to get a hot chocolate and cake while S was playing with her friends.

How busy can shopping centres get? I know why I don't really shop in shopping centres. Well, to be honest it is a bit boring, really. Everything in one place, just a walk away from food, clothes, anything really? And temptation for the children at every step. Bear Factory right where you HAVE to go on or off the escalator...for example.

Luckily the weather was good and I took a quick wander towards the harbour and found this specimen. I liked the reflection of the waves in the Captains whatever-it's-called.

Then home again with all three and L got picked up by her sister's dad and a little later our L made it back home too. Very tired I was glad the get-together with the other ante-natal mums (from 8 years ago ante-natal that is) got post-poned. Watched telly just to do something and had a really early night.

Really quite proud of having got through the day as I did. Could have been much worse.

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