29/29 leap!

Here's the official leap! picture - but I couldn't resist this one in the end :) The rest of the painting pics are in a set over on the other side.

Well, we have fairly leapt through today. It's been a good day despite a lack of sleep! Toddler group this morning and Ben helped decorate some cloth circles to make money pouches for chocolate coins, then home for food and painting (whereupon MUCH fun was had!) and then I psyched myself up for a necessary trip into town with the boys.

I was dreading it to be honest!! But, I had a little chat with Ben before we set off, talking about getting lost, or being taken away from mummy by strangers - all very real risks and ones I want to minimise without restricting his freedom (or at least, his perceived freedom!). I didn't want him scared, but I wanted him to understand that he needed to stay close by, and always where I could see him.

And he did! We had a LOVELY trip into town on the bus. Ben chased pigeons with a look of unadulterated glee on his face, and we have returned home with a considerably lighter wallet (although Gran has said she'll buy the shoes and wetsuit!) and everything we needed and no extras.

Apart from the shoes, that is. We only went in to get Ben's feet measured, and came out with new shoes. He's grown a whole shoe size since early last summer, but 7's looked like clown feet on him so as he is a slow grower (just watch him have the biggest growth spurt ever now) we've gone for 6.5's.

They have dinosaurs on them. The whole bus knows what dinosaurs sound like now. I persuaded him that dinosaurs were quiet on buses. He agreed.

Our painting from earlier is drying on the wall now. Charley watched from his bouncy chair as I held Ben up by his arms and he swung his feet around in the paint! He LOVES foot painting. And he loves cleaning up afterwards - the whole thing from start to finish is a brilliant sensory experience.

About to run a bath now for Charley and me. Ben has said it would be lovely for him to have a bath with daddy later. Goodness knows but the child needs a bath: felt tip pen on his ear (how?!) and paint all the way up his legs. At least he's had fun!!

Bit sad that this month's challenge is coming to an end - but LeeAnne has dreamt up a much harder one for March, which I'm looking forward to using as inspiration!

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