Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin


The dogs were fed up and wanted to walk. I needed to get out too, having spent too much time at my desk. Gill had gone in to Guildford so it was going to be one of those walks with dogs + camera gear: frame shot, nice, click/yank on lead, blurry mess.

It was a hazy afternoon, a bit of pale sky showing behind the clouds but not much. I walked on the River Wey as far as Papercourt Lock and turned back. Not until I'd almost got back to the car did I notice a slash of red in the distance. The sun was having one last effort to poke through before the day was done. Then this swan appeared and just started swanning around so I shot with what I had on - a long lens. I wish I'd lowered the ISO which I'd pushed up for some reason, but I loved the glow.

Back home I had some deliberation over the shot. I had a nice close up with peachy pink water, but in the end went for the one here.

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