Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Do you think my feet look big??


White-breasted nuthatch (sitta carolinensis)

How can anyone resist the nuthatches? They don't care that I and my big lens are crouched on the deck, nor do they care that the blue jays are sitting high in the trees scolding. Nope, the nuthatch is a focused little bird. The routine is that they first land on one of my "artfully arranged" branches, then they make their way to whatever feeder catches their eye. Today, we had a special on the buffet of peanut halves, which is always popular.

I am still giving Big Daddy a workout, and loving the results. My other personal favorites today are
the ever-inquisitive titmouse
His Royal Redness
Titmouse up-close

I used the tripod for some of these, others handheld. Probably a tiny bit sharper with the tripod.

Your outpouring of comments yesterday really touched me - thank you. I made the decision pretty early to be totally transparent with this whole brain tumor thing, part of my own coping mechanism I suppose. The unexpected benefit of being open about it is that I have met so many inspirational, courageous, amazing people, each with their own stories and challenges. When I have bad days (and I do have them, I assure you!) it is all of those other folks who keep me putting one foot ahead of the other - so thank you.

Debbi (and the birds)

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