Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...A day to reflect...

Today is an anniversary of sorts for me, albeit an odd one. Four years ago I sat in a doctor's office, anxious to be on my way, wondering why the hell the doctor didn't just get to the point ... only to learn that I had a brain tumor. He went on to explain that it was most likely benign, but that leaving it where it was could result in death. Huh? Gee, not exactly my definition of "benign."

Anyway, unbeknownst to me at that moment, March 4, 2008 would mark a turning point in my life. For starters, I was no longer tumor-proof. And, I was about to learn more about brain tumors and brain surgery than anyone should ever need to know. Many things in my life have changed in the last 4 years, some good, some not so much. But, for the most part, my world is good. One of the things that happened as a result of this whole experience is that I rediscovered my love of photography. I bought the D90, my first DSLR, nearly a year after I had brain surgery. And, since then, I've added a few more lenses and a D3100 body, and I have learned SO much! And, something tells me I'm not done yet!

So, today is one that I quietly acknowledge to myself each year. Many of you probably have similar milestone events that you acknowledge in your own lives - things that marked a turning point of some sort. If so, here's to you.

And, yes, Big Daddy caught this lovely American robin (turdus migratorious) on the branch this morning! And, does anyone other than me find the Latin name of this bird hilarious?

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