Two lime Green Buttons

For a little excitement In desperation, I've blipped two of the buttons bought yesterday for Nina's cardigan, now sewn on, and the completed article handed over to Glasgow daughter, through in Edinburgh this morning for a meeting.

The cardigan is of the hairy wool variety, well know to cause severe scratching in the wearer if not adequately protected by long sleeves underneath, but the wool needed to be used up, and as I said yesterday, it was used up to the last cm- not another stitch would have been possible. Lucky or what?

Whether or not Nina refuses to wear it is not my problem, but one can begin to understand why fleeces are preferred once children become old enough to be extra stroppy about wearing Grandma's itchy knits.

With his Lordship kitted out like an arctic explorer and tramping through the Biggar hills where it may well be snowing today, I'm thinking of taking myself off to the cinema to see Hunky Dory, the school musical which I hope will have the feel good, cheering factor, mitigating the freezing wind and the passing clouds holding the threat of snow, outside the window.

I'll forgo the Maltesers this time to avoid losing them under the seat in front.

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