Life on the sofa - Aunty Joan

Aunty Joan got a bit of an education this afternoon. Ben decided she had to learn to play swordfighting on the Wii. She may be utterly un-technologically minded but she's a clever learner and once we'd been through setting it all up, and she'd been thrashed a few times by Ben, she started watching how he played.

She learnt very quickly how to do the "Ben Frenzy" style attack.

And then actually BEAT Ben a couple of times!!

Ben was not especially happy about this and I thought I'd have to go in and break up a fight at one point!


So Steve's mum and her sister Joan arrived this afternoon and Ben has been hugely boingy and happy to see them. This is the first time Aunty Joan has met Charley. He smiled at her :D It's been a lovely afternoon, Ben has occupied mum and Joan and I've been able to bake (lemon drizzle Herman, and set a sourdough loaf to prove) AND make dinner (chicken curry and rice yummm). The boys and I were tucked up in bed by 9 though!

Managed to persuade Ben to go back to sleep this morning but Charley was having none of it so he spent a while on the bathroom floor while I washed my hair...

Late to Little Fishes this morning but no matter. Glad to get out! Ben spent most of it playing with Rosie although he did do the craft! Then home, milk for Charley, and the rest of Ben's breakfast (a chocolate Herman muffin *sigh* - he'd wanted pasta and cheese sauce for breakfast but we didn't have enough time or milk) for Ben, and off to the supermarket.

I was actually dreading the supermarket. Ben had been quite difficult and grumpy during the morning, and told me in no uncertain terms that he wasn't going to be a pleasant boy at the shops.

Turned out to be a very easy shop and we rewarded ourselves with chips and soup in the cafe afterwards! Ben was obsessed with showing an elderly couple at a table behind us his chips, shouting "lady, lady! Look!" with every other chip. It was marginally better than him just shouting "hey!" to get people's attention...

Charley has been lovely and smiley today, full of big smiles. He even chatted to Humpty and Hoopy in his carseat, he's not done that before. (Well, he's not really had opportunity, he's usually been asleep.)

Head full of fluff this morning (you can tell this is a back-blip) and may have to add any extras in to today's instead!

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