Street shots #6

Three ladies

Today it's International Women's day, a day to celebrate the great achievements of women all over the world.

Photography wise, I didn't have a great day. To be honest, I didn't like any of the pictures I took today, but I finally settled for this one. I was looking for something I could connect to International Women's day but, as it's usually the case, if you're looking for something, you won't find it. It's only when you're not looking for it that it will appear right in front of your nose! Sod's law! Anyway...

Otherwise, I had a better day than yesterday at work. The prospect of having a day off tomorrow really helped! There was that small light at the end of the tunnel. The only drawback to this is having to work at the weekend :(

Meeting a friend of mine for a drink this evening and planning to go to the gym tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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