Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

My way!

Fun party for Austen who turned 3. Our neighbours definitely know how to throw a great party with American and Romanian cultures blending perfectly.

In the morning, I finished putting together my new studio furniture (aka Expedit from IKEA) which gives me so much more room to work with via the desk hanging from the bookcase.

Now today being Oscar day and me being a die hard fan even though I'm miffed at a few omissions on the Nominee's List, I always have the challenge of where exactly I'm going to watch them. Along with Wimbledon, the World Cup and Euro football, they're the only times I really do wish I had a TV. I've abstained for 6 years now which is the main reason I have time to do other things, like, well, editing.

So anyway, long after all the guests had left, there I was in their living room watching the Red Carpet and the Oscars all by my sweet self. And they were very sweet about it too...

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