
By earthdreamer

Chevin View

Back to the cycling routine today, but keeping the miles down because the weather forecast looks good for the weekend and I hope to get out for some decent rides. I took the short and scenic route this morning over the moor road to Baildon. The light was really quite dramatic as the sun shone through a veil of thin cloud. This is a view from the road looking over towards the Chevin. If you look closely you can see a road descending right to left from the top. It was over this hill and down that lane that I cycled to the office on Tuesday. My route back this evening (in the rain) was in the gap between here and the opposite hill. I rather like joining up my routes in this way. I think I'm a creature of anti-habit! I almost find it impossible to repeat the same routine from one day to another.

I started a new book last night, "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. This has been on my list to read for years but I was prompted to get it after a blip posted by Trials and Tribulations. I'm already completely hooked. The prose is absolutely delightful. I think it will be slow-going, not just because of all the demands on my time at the moment, but because I find myself re-reading paragraphs for the sheer delight of the language. Is anyone else a fan?

I also found myself listening to a new album from Gomez last night, a favourite band of mine but one I've not been tracking for a while. I was reminded of them following a blip posted by Smile like a Rabbit and so I bought the latest album. I wasn't disappointed. I love their music.

So thanks to M and A for those prompts. It's another example of how this virtual world is now so closely intertwined with my real one. Isn't that rather wonderful? Have a great weekend folks.

PS I must thank Grasshopper and TJ for their sage advice in respect to the dating game. The secret is to never set out on a date without an emergency picnic hamper and plenty of chocolate. Why don't women come with a manual. How is a man supposed to know these things?

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