What another rant?

By JohnA

Nuclear bunker or secret stair way?

Me I'm always suspicious - perhaps its my training, or just the way I am.

I have walked past this little building many times in the past few months, and wonder what it is. It probably performs a straight forward function (power or storage), but there's no signs on the outside and one cannot be sure. It reminds me of when I was at college, ahh umm, many years back. There was a tower block on campus - where we studied computing - where the computer room was located. But around the back, at the bottom of steps going down to a basement was a set of shiny silver sliding doors. No one was ever seen going in. No one was ever seen coming out. And we always wondered what they where for. Many times was it discussed, in our 'common' room over the road, run by Courage. We suspected that it was a nuclear escape bunker! Perhaps for the local politicians or even college management? Not for us though. Most likely it wasn't that at all, and our imaginations were triggered by the press. And I've always wondered.

Success this evening, I've finished loading up my back blips, and I'm all up to date now. Hoorah! Perhaps you'd like to see my work? I'm quite proud of them:

Last day
Bicycle on Main Street
Guggenheim Museum
M+M World
Grand Central

Now I can get on with life. And I am particularly looking forward to browsing blipfoto again, and leaving comments, on your photos....

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