A fluffy Long-Tailed Tit

We both had a very lazy morning, which I followed with a very lazy afternoon. Helena was much more dedicated to sorting tasks in the valuable time of the weekend, which is so precious to her.

The weather has been variable, as we are renowned for saying in Britain. Mist, sunshine, cloud and gentle wind, though staying cool. I went to the cabin to read and plan ahead, but as my camera had come with me it wasn't long before bird calls drew me to watching them around the garden and in the valley behind.

So I sat in the cabin doorway, hoping to appear less obvious to the birds coming to the feeders. I sat for ages in the sunshine enjoying just waiting to take pictures. I noticed a strange movement in the branches at top of the sycamore that grows on the bottom boundary of the garden. I took a picture of the place I had seen something, but then was distracted again. A little while later I noticed what appeared to be a large bird, quite indistinct in the shadows of branches. Taking a couple of more pictures, I realised that it was a jay, which I only see occasionally around the garden, and who seldom linger. Then two of them flew away and I realised that the earlier movement must have been the other bird. I will try to get them in flight one day.

The kitten from next door, who is now Bomble's friend, popped into the cabin with me. He is still quite shy and won't let me touch him, but he always seems interested to be with us and to explore any new territory. I saw two pigeons sitting on a large lower branch of the big ash tree, side by side, and they were rubbing their necks together and touching their beaks as if kissing. Up till now I have seen flapping about, ostensibly courting, but I hadn't noticed them actually together as a couple. It was rather sweet, as they seemed to be enjoying a Sunday afternoon together on their 'park bench'.

After a period of cloud cover the sun returned as dod this small though adult Long-Tailed Tit, who was in betweens mouthfuls of suet from one of the feeders. I do like them for their inquisitiveness and playfulness when they are in a bunch. For some reason it puffed out its feathers for a few seconds and displayed towards me looking me firmly in the eye all the time. Then it buzzed off.

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