I feel I should post that instead but I did the sea a couple of days ago and I just like the nail better. The nail took less processing to be happy with it, too. HMMMM. The fact that the nail was taken with the 60mm also helps the vague pondering which happens every time I get some semi-spam from lens-selling websites. Such ponderings must wait until the 18-70 is offloaded.

In a move which surprised me I gave my bike a quick wipe to get rid of the worst of the mud and dampness when I got home after a couple of hours in wet roads and soggy towpaths. Part of the intention was to make it clean enough to re-fit the front mudguard using the handy wee Velcro attaching-strips I fortuitously found in Lidl the other day but it seems to have developed strange ideas about what shape it wishes to assume whilst it's been in the cupboard and isn't going to clear the wheel without considerable bending of the struts. I shall just have to get damp feet in the morning if it's wet.

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