Capital adventures

By marchmont

Sport Relief

Woke up this morning to hear that reservist Michelle Ping had been mentioned in dispatches. She is the medic that saved the life of my ex neighbour, Craig Paterson, 4 Scots. He was shot and nearly died in Helmand last July. Thanks to her he is still alive and Alison still has her son and Michael his brother.

Last night there was someone else I know, and worked with for many years, was imprisoned for embezzlement. Sometimes you find out you really don't know people at all. That goes for M too.

Busy and long day, speaking to folk, planning things, booking flights. Next I must plan a holiday, June, I think.

Now waiting for #3 girlfriend to arrive from Oldmeldrum, to be followed by #1 son, back again. This is #2 son, resting. He came in past to collect some mail and watch a bit of Sport Relief. He's running 6 miles for it on Sunday. Family meal will be carbs.

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