Wide Open Spaces

Are the best thing when you are a pooch :)

After a morning of chores (I even cleaned the oven!!!) we headed off to Tentsmuir. Weather reports were conflicting. For St Andrews it was to be misty all day, whereas Dundee was to have sun in the afternoon. As we are pretty much equidistant from both we took our chances and headed out in the mist to the beach. As we walked further out the mists lifted, briefly, and the sun was warm. Down on the beach the mist was back and the place pretty much deserted. Which was nice. I think, for once the weathermen got it right! You may just be able to see the haar rolling inwards in this shot

In the forest there is currently logging on the go, clearing away the many thousands of trees which suffered during the winter storms. There are log piles some 6 or 7 metres high in some parts of the woods. That's a lot of trees.

We did 6 or 7 miles and then headed home for a bit more time in the garden and then relax!

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