Let There Be Light

By solli

Judas Tree

Cercis siliquastrum

The weather was perfect for outside work, not too warm, not too cool, overcast with a slight breeze so I took advantage of the good fortune to finish the yard work I began yesterday.

The large flower bed is weeded and turned, the humongous rose bush has been pruned of all dead canes, the leaves were raked and even Alex has been groomed. I rehung my feeder near the dogwood tree which is beginning to open its buds and the birds, particularly the mockingbirds and Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal, were quite pleased with the new arrangement.

I am feeling pretty good right about now, I took two advil and the meatloaf and fingerling potatoes are in the oven. The Judas tree, also known as the Redbud tree has indeed budded and the small buds are beginning to blossom. It's been a favorite of mine from the moment I saw it 26 years ago.

Happy Saturday!

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