Let There Be Light

By solli

More Cowbird

I've not ever seen a Cowbird and his mate in the backyard, and he was so entertaining with his puffed up ways that he deserved to be the blip for today.

The news got around quickly that the feeder was filled and everyone flew in to celebrate! I saw Pom the red finch, the two bluejays (who just loved the peanuts) His Royal Redship and Lady cardinal, the darlnig starlings, the mourning doves, and the gang of sparrows. The red red robins just bobbed bobbed bobbed along too. Lady Cardinal made a valiant attempt to pick up a peanut but it definitely outsized her. She settled for the sunflower seeds instead.

All the holes I made by pulling out the weeds came to good use when the squirrel discovered they were large enough to bury his peanuts and by George, bury he did! Back and forth, back and forth; you'd almost think winter was upon us the way he squirreled them away! My freshly turned garden also provided a happy meal for the birds. I felt kinda sorry for the worms though.

I'm headed out to visit with my sis, then dinner with my son and future daughter-in-law Shayn.

I hope to catch up with everyone's journals later tonight! Happy Sunday!

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