It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


I am sooooooooo happy today.

We are in Exeter staying at Marma and Grandad's house. Marma and Grandad aren't there, they are away in Cornwall, but we are staying because tonight mum and daddy are going out for Jo's birthday meal!

They took me for a reeeeaaalllllly long run and play with my ball beside the river to "wear me out" so that I will sleep whilst they are out. I had SUCH a good time. I could smell the river a mile off and went and threw myself in to cool off. It was GREAT!

We also met some of mum and daddy's friends who were at a hen night at a pub on the river. I got LOTS of attention :-) I wished I could have joined in and gone with them ;-)

I do feel very exhausted though and will probably just put my paws up and guard the house whilst mum and daddy go and eat and drink lots ;-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps I back blipped for yesterday! Sorry I am so behind. I will try and catch up with you all this week xxx

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