Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... Whisper...

The blue jays (Cyanocitta cristataare) are great mimics and make an assortment of calls, most of them fairly loud and screechy. They are like crows in that they don't really sing so much as they banter. They do, however, have one call that I describe as a whispery "shhh". It is so soft and breathy that you almost can't believe it's really a jay. That is what this one was doing as he/she sat in the cherry tree. Eventually the mate showed up, so maybe one was calling the other. Wish I could share the sound with you, because it is quite lovely and very un-jay-like.

I had a lot to get done in the office today, so didn't pick up the camera until later this afternoon. I had hoped to get some pictures of the various birds in the cherry trees while they are still blooming (the trees, not the birds!) However, it was one of those days where none of my shots came out the way I envisioned. I had to take most, including this one, from inside through the window because it was so windy out that I couldn't keep the camera steady. Hoping for better conditions tomorrow. I think the blooms on the cherries will last a few more days. It's a short window of opportunity for cherry tree blossom blips!

Thank you so much for all the hearts and stars and comments on yesterday's titmouse. We even made the Spotlight page for a very brief bit (shh, don't tell the titmice, they'll get all full of themselves!)

Looking forward to seeing what's happening in the bliposphere tonight!

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