Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Minard Geese

A very late upload tonight as we have had a really busy day.

Made the most of the warm dry weather to cut the grass. heavy work as the last cut wasn't all that great last Autumn, the mower couldn't cope with the heavy wet grass so I had the worst ever first spring cut today. We have a lot of ground so it took me almost two hours while John worked away at cutting back bramble bushes which were creeping into the garden from the shore.

Still it was lovely to sit and have lunch outside in the warm sun listening to the waves gently lapping the rocks on the shore.

I got this shot of the geese just as we approached the traffic lights at Minard. Headed on for my accordion lesson in Lochgilphead then back home to take the Badminton Club tonight. We must be doing something right as, when we announced that tonight was the last night till the Autumn, the teenagers all begged us to keep going till the summer holidays instead of the usual break from Easter onwards. So it's no rest for the wicked, still it's great to see the shots these young people are playing and thinking well ahead in their games. Pity we don't have a better hall instead of our wee village school hall with single tracks and a ceiling which is not high enough.

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