eye of the camera

By telefoto


NOT what you want to see when going to the loo!! hehe...

not much sleep last night ....these constant late nights are not agreeing with me any more but i need to plod on with them while charlotte is still little and not quite at school yet .

today we had decided on a trip to Stratford park with the lovely kate & her beautiful tiddler & of course the cameras...the weather was glorious yet again ,so picnic on the grass followed by feeding the ducks followed by a play in the playground & an ice cream (we ended eating two each as the girls had better things to be doing )

I cant think of any thing better to do on a Thursday afternoon than walking and chatting with friends and seeing what you can snap..

unusually for me on a Thursday I'm off to work tonight :-( but have tomorrow off!

so off i pop to cook tea before another busy late shift at work.

happy blipping!!

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