Friday: Life in a Balkan Square

Blip is definitely good for you.  I got home this afternoon and didn't have a blip so went for a long walk (about a mile and a half - Goatee will be amazed) to see where I ended up.

I walked down to Britanski Trg (and, yes, there really are no vowels in Trg), aka British Square where I bought a jar of pasta sauce and a chocolate pudding.

The jar of pasta sauce brings me to my next point.  I wouldn't eat pasta sauce out of a jar in the UK so why here?  Things to now focus on are:

1.  Finish sorting the flat out - at the moment it lacks the cosy factor;

2. Decide on where we are going to shop and when.  We have tried three different supermarkets so far and can't decide on any of them.  One is better for staples, one is better for meat, one is quite far out and one is really expensive.  Oh, that's 4, but you get my point - we are lacking a bit of food structure.  Today, for lunch, I had a very bizarre hot chicken fillet sandwich with gherkins.......

3.  Get back into some kind of routine (not in a bad way) but just get some kind of structure - for example, I have barely read a single page since I've been here.  There has to be space for normal things;

4.  Make some friends that are not work contacts.  K. is in the UK at the moment and the weekend is looming a bit large.  I am missing our pub pals in the UK badly.

But I wouldn't want you to think it's not good.  It is, and it will be - we just now need to find a place for ourselves and a way of being.  

You might want to look at this a bit larger - have been trying my panorama settings!

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