Saturday: Window On The Woods

It has been pretty blustery today, but not too cold.  We wrapped up nice and warm and drove to Lopar, a small town on the northern end of Rab.  We parked up and went for a fantastic walk, following a path along lots of bays and inlets.  When we got as far as the path would take us we walked up into the woods where, much to our delight, we came across a large ruined building, just begging to be explored.

We had a great time just exploring all the nooks and crannies.  In our imagination, this was an old sanatorium where consumptive Austro-Hungarians came to breathe the healthy Rab air and where they wandered along the paths, dressed in cool summer colours.  We have no idea what it really was but I like our version anyway.

Honestly, I really do think that I am at my happiest when discovering new places!

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